Our Commitment to Collaboration

Your Office of People and Culture holds collaboration and partnership with our labor organizations in the highest regard. We are dedicated to fostering a culture of mutual respect and cooperation. We firmly believe that through open communication, shared understanding, and genuine collaboration, we can best serve the interests of our dedicated workforce. The District also takes seriously our obligations to negotiate in good faith on matters within the scope of representation.

Management Points of Contact

Managers and supervisors with questions about the collective bargaining agreements and our obligations should contact the Office of People and Culture directly.

Union Points of Contact

We are pleased to provide employees with the following points of contact for each of the three labor organizations:

California School Employee’s Association, Chapter 283 (CSEA)
Classified Staff
CSEA President: JP Stottmann
Pronouns: They/Them
Email JP

Faculty Association of Yuba Community College District (FAYCCD)
Full-Time Faculty
FAYCCD President: Georgie O’Keefe-Schwering
Pronouns: She/Her
Email Georgie

Yuba College – American Federation of Teachers (YC-AFT)
Part-Time Faculty
YC-AFT President: Trevor Krapf
Pronouns: He/Him
Email Trevor

Collective Bargaining Agreements

Below, you will find information and resources related to the collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) between the Districts and our labor organizations. Our goal is to provide transparency and accessibility to these important documents.

California School Employees' Association CSEA


Bargaining Updates

Yuba Community College District is committed to providing accurate and timely information regarding current labor negotiations with its labor organizations. The District continues to bargain in good faith and seeks to resolve differences professionally, fairly, and efficiently.

In a special Board meeting on July 26, 2022, the Governing Board approved a three-year agreement (21-22, 22-23, 23-24) including a 5.07% across the board adjustment, effective July 1, 2022, “me too” language in FY 22-23, and a salary reopener in FY 23-24. The agreement also contains a new out-of-class article and commits $200,000 to address the findings of the classification and compensation study, currently underway for classified, confidential, and administrator employees.
Attachments: CSEA 2022 MOUs
2017-2020 CSEA Contract
Quick Reference Guide-Classification of Employment

American Federation of Teachers YC-AFT

Faculty Association FAYCCD


Bargaining Updates

Yuba Community College District is committed to providing accurate and timely information regarding current labor negotiations with its labor organizations. The District continues to bargain in good faith and seeks to resolve differences professionally, fairly, and efficiently.

October 14, 2022
The parties spent significant time discussing course/section caps. The District passed proposals on Articles 9 (two proposals) and Article 27 (tentative agreement reached). The Association passed proposals on Articles 4 and Article 27.

October 7, 2022
The parties again discussed the need for difficult decisions to be made in order to reallocate the resources to address issues raised in the FCMAT report that include declining enrollments, the fiscal challenge this represents for the district, and the reallocation needed to address the recommendations made by FCMAT. The District again stated that faculty are not to blame for this challenge, however it was again noted that we all need to work together to address the challenge. The District passed proposals on Articles 4, 18. and 27. The Association passed proposals on Articles 9 and 15.

September 16, 2022
The parties had an in-depth conversation regarding the need for resource reallocation within the District. The need for reallocation is based on past decision making and the parties and the current fiscal and enrollment environment. The District stated that faculty are not to blame for this challenge, however it was noted that we all need to work together to address the challenge. The District passed proposals on Articles 14 and 28. The Association passed proposals on Articles 4, 18, and 27.

August 30, 2022
The District passed proposals on Articles 12 and 13.
Attachment: August 30, 2022 Documents

August 19, 2022
The District passed proposals on Articles 3 and 5. The Association passed proposals on Articles 3, 12, and 13.
Attachment: August 19, 2022 Documents

August 12, 2022
The District passed proposals on Articles 4, 7, 8, 9, and 11, as well as a proposal relating to sabbatical application timelines. The Association passed proposals on Article 1, 5, and 28.
Attachment: August 12, 2022 Documents

August 4, 2022
The District passed proposals on Articles 5, 10, 12, 13, and 28.
Attachment: August 4, 2022 Documents

August 2, 2022
The District provided the Association with notice of the District’s intent to re-assert the District’s right of assignment. The right of assignment means the District makes the ultimate decision as to who teaches an individual course, considering the needs of students and faculty input.
The notice stated that the consultation process for developing faculty schedules will continue, and efforts will be made to accommodate individual scheduling preferences, but the District will no longer waive its discretion in determining its educational mission and program offerings. The notice also invited the Association to bargain the effects of this non-negotiable decision, which could include the process for obtaining faculty input prior to finalization of individual course assignments.
Attachment: August 2, 2022 Documents

May 20, 2022
Vice Chancellor Kaur, Associate Vice Chancellor Hurley, Professor Ha, and Professor Spina met to discuss the budget in greater detail and to provide a complete response to the Association’s request for information.
Attachment: May 20, 2022 Documents

May 6, 2022
The District provided a financial/budget presentation to the Association and answered questions about the presentation. The parties agreed for a small subsection of the bargaining teams to meet to answer additional questions and complete the District’s response to the Association’s request for information.
Attachment: May 6, 2022 Documents

April 8, 2022
The parties reached tentative agreement on Article 26. The Association passed a revised Article 6 proposal, and new proposals on Article 14 and 28. The Association’s proposal as to salary/compensation is:

22-23: An across the board increase equal to 2% + 100% of COLA

23-24: An across the board increase equal to 2% + 100% of COLA

24-25: An across the board increase equal to 2% + 100% of COLA

Attachment: April 8, 2022 Documents

March 25, 2022
The parties agreed to ground rules. The District passed proposals on Articles 6 and 26. The Association passed proposals on Articles 1 and 25.
Attachment: March 25, 2020 Documents

March 4, 2022
The parties met formally for the first time, discussed ground rules.
2019-2022 FAYCCD Contract
Quick Reference Guide-Classification of Employment