Quality facilities have a direct relationship to student readiness for jobs upon graduation.  To that end, infrastructure and renovation projects included upgrades necessary to support 21st Century learning.  Extensive renovations have been made to all existing instructional buildings and offices.  For instance, your bond dollars funded significant American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance upgrades to the Student Services Building, which houses the Disabled Student Programs and Services. Measure J funded the construction of ADA-compliant restrooms, sideways and ramps and expanded the number of handicapped parking spaces in an adjoining parking lot to make the building more accessible for disabled students.  The Applied Art and Science Technology Building, as an example, underwent significant upgrades, including interior classroom renovation, the installation of a new roof, technology upgrades to support the auto tech and welding programs, and other mechanical and electrical upgrades.

Moreover, bond funds enabled the District to replace aged electrical systems, increase capacity for technology to support distance education offerings, install campuswide Wi-Fi, upgrade outdated heating and cooling systems, replace underground utility systems, and address roofing repairs and replacement.