Districtwide News
Remembering Dr. Matt Clark
I am profoundly saddened to share the passing of our beloved colleague, academic leader, and mathematics professor, Dr. Matt Clark. Dr. Clark (May 5, 1959 – June 21, 2024) served as the Academic Senate President and Professor of Mathematics & Statistics at Woodland Community College (WCC).
On behalf of the District Board of Trustees and the Chancellor’s Cabinet members, I want to express our deep condolences on the untimely passing of a great community college leader and educator, Dr. Matt Clark.
“Matt was a legend – not only was he our fearless Academic Senate President, but he was a mentor, friend, confidant, and source of inspiration to many. He was known for his dedication to education, his warmth, his awesome shirts, and his unwavering commitment to students. Matt’s absence will be deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing and working with him.” – WCC President, Dr. Lizette Navarette
A Celebration of Life in Dr. Clark’s honor is scheduled for 11:30 a.m., Monday, July 15 at WCC.
In honor of his memory and his unwavering commitment to education, Woodland Community College and the Yuba Community College District Foundation have created this memorial fund. The funds raised will be used to advance math education at Woodland Community College, continuing Dr. Clark’s legacy of excellence and dedication to his students and the broader academic community.
If you would like to make a gift in Dr. Clark’s memory, please visit the following link: http://weblink.donorperfect.com/DrMatthewClarkMemorialFund.
Gifts can also be delivered to the Woodland Community College President’s Office at 2300 E. Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95776 or mailed to the YCCD Foundation at 3301 E. Onstott Road, Yuba City, CA 95991. Checks should be made out to the YCCD Foundation – Matthew Clark Memorial Fund.
Your contributions will ensure that Dr. Clark’s passion for mathematics and education will continue to inspire and support future generations of students.
Thank you for your support and for helping us honor the remarkable life and legacy of Dr. Matthew Clark.
You can help show the impact of Matt’s life by adding photos, stories and condolences on his memorial website.
During this difficult time, we encourage anyone in need of support to utilize the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP provides confidential counseling and emotional well-being resources. You can reach them toll-free at 1-800-999-7222 or visit their website at https://www.tcsig.com/eap.
The Board Recognizes the 2023-2024 Retirees
At the June 13 Board Meeting, Trustees recognized the 2023-2024 Retirees. Congratulations to the following individuals on their retirement:
District Services
- Melody Deal, Custodian – 24 years of service
- Renee Hamilton, Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Education Planning – 34 years of service
- Michael Sinn, Building Maintenance Technician, 24 years of service
Yuba College
- Minerva Barron, Campus Operations Specialist – 20 years of service
- Corrine Gil, Public Safety Administrative Specialist – 26 years of service
- Colleen Monahan, Nursing Faculty – 20 years of service
- Cristina Sanchez, Director of Counseling – 46 years of service
- Maris Wagener, ECE Faculty – 16 years of service
Woodland Community College
- Lisa Muratalla, Senior Student Services Technician – 37 years of service
- Joan Penning, College Instructional Support – 25 years of service

District Safety and Security Program
The District is nearing the completion of the recruitment and selection process for the Director of Safety and Risk Management, with the Board to review the recommendation at their July meeting. Initially, the District selected American Guard Services to provide security services. However, substantial philosophical differences between the District and the firm were soon identified, resulting in a mutual decision to rescind the contract. Consequently, Brookman Protection Services will continue to provide security services until September 30. During this interim period, the District will identify a new firm to facilitate the transition while we proceed with hiring in-house security personnel.
As a reminder, During the security transition, we want to remind you of the following:
Emergency and Non-Emergency Protocol:
In case of an emergency, please dial 911
Non-Emergency Contact:
For non-emergency assistance, reach out to the security guards at the following contact information:
Yuba College: (530) 870-1158
Woodland Community College: (530) 681-8782
New Transfer Agreement Strengthens Educational Pathways Between WCC, YC, and Chico State University

In a significant stride towards expanding educational opportunities and facilitating seamless academic transitions, Woodland Community College (WCC) and Yuba College (YC) and Chico State University have come together to establish a partnership and forthcoming formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the Fall for student transfers. This collaborative agreement marks a pivotal moment for students aiming to pursue higher education by providing a clear and structured pathway from community college to a four-year institution. Under this agreement, students completing their associate degrees for transfer at both colleges will have a streamlined process for transferring to Chico State University to pursue their bachelor’s degrees.
This initiative aims to alleviate transfer-related challenges, such as credit transfer ambiguity and course alignment discrepancies, empowering students to confidently pursue their academic aspirations. In addition, Chico State will extend invitations for dual admission to eligible first-time, first-year applicants who have been denied admission at the conclusion of their high school career. This dual admission program will guarantee such students’ admission to a specific major at Chico State if they first complete transfer requirements at WCC and YC within three academic years.
ACCJC Spotlights Woodland Community College Program
In April, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) featured Woodland Community College (WCC). As part of its regular newsletter, ACCJC On The Move, ACCJC shares stories about the impact that institutions, programs, and people have on the individuals served by the 137 ACCJC institutions, and the promising impactful practices changing lives inside and outside the classroom. ACCJC President Mac Powell highlighted the Environmental Technology – Drinking Water and Wastewater Technology Program, a WCC program that caught his attention during a visit earlier. The unique program offers a certificate and associate of science degree designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills essential for a career in environmental management. Both the certificate and degree help prepare individuals to take and pass the water and/or wastewater treatment exam given by the California Department of Public Health. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Celebrating Student Success: 2024 Commencement Ceremonies
On Friday, May 24, Yuba College, Woodland Community College, and WCC-Lake County Campus held separate Commencement Ceremonies, conferring certificates and degrees to graduates. The day was, by far, the most uplifting and happy day of the entire academic year for students, students’ families, faculty, staff, administrators, and the District Trustees.
Yuba College Commencement Highlights
- YC conferred degrees and certificates to 913 students.
- The average age of degree earners was 25, with the most experienced student being 65, and the youngest degree earner just 17.
- Two-third (2/3) of degree earners are women and almost 500 of them are first-generation college students.
- 15 graduates were veterans, including members on active duty, national guard and reserves and 40 graduates were Veteran dependents.
- Nearly half of graduates were students of color, with the majority living in Sutter, Yuba, Sacramento, Placer and Butte Counties. YC graduates were also from Orange County, Contra Costa, San Bernardino, Tehama, Glenn, Lake, Alameda, Solano, El Dorado, Shasta, Nevada, Yolo, and Colusa Counties.
- 142 graduates had 3.74-3.5 GPA; 138 with Academic Distinction 4.0-3.75 GPA, 27 of whom with a 4.0 GPA.
Woodland Community College Commencement Highlights
- WCC conferred 392 degrees and 281 certificates (including the auto awards)
Increasing Awards of Degrees and Certificates
For 2023-24 total awards of degrees and certificates increased by 21% from the previous year. Total Graduates increased by 13.3%. For spring 2024, 1,476 awards were conferred (Woodland Community College 662, Yuba College 814). Forty-one percent were auto awarded and fifty-nine percent were petitioned.
IT Update
Beginning July 8, 2024, the User Support Services Help Desk is transitioning the student help desk and after-hours support services to a new third-party service provider – The IT Support Center (ITSC).
Key changes:
- New Help Desk phone number (530-491-5718) dedicated to faculty, classroom, and staff directly supported by our qualified YCCD Classified Professionals during normal business hours.
- Current Help Desk phone number (530-741-6981) will become the Student Help Desk and be dedicated to assisting students.
- ITSC will provide first-call assistance for student technology issues and will take all after-hours and overflow calls for faculty, staff, and students.
Fiscal Update
At the June 13 Board Meeting, Vice Chancellor Kaur gave a comprehensive presentation on the Proposed Budget Revision for 2023-24 and Tentative Budget for 2024-25. You can view the presentation at this link.

Recently Reviewed Board Policies
The below Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Procedures (AP) were reviewed, with noted updates and finalized in Board Docs. The AP’s reviewed will go to the Board in the summer as an informational item, per standard practice.
Substantial Update Needed
Board Policy 2015 – Student Member was requested by the Chancellor to review and revise language not legally required for this policy. The policy was reviewed by the Chancellor, Cabinet, and District Consultation and Coordination Council (DC3). The policy was approved by the Board at the June 13, 2024 Board Meeting.

District Holiday Closures/Summer Schedules
June 3, 2024 through July 26, 2024 – YCCD summer work schedule, offices will be closed on Fridays
Thursday, July 4, 2024 – Independence Day
Convocation Dates
District Services – Thursday, July 18, located at Yuba College, Flavors
Woodland Community College & Yuba College – Friday, August 9 (more details will be forthcoming from your college site)
Next Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees will meet for their regular meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2024 at Yuba College, Building 300. The agenda will be released 72-hours prior to the meeting here.

—– For current open positions, visit our hiring webpage for more information. —–
Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.
Would you like to have an event highlighted in a future newsletter? Email dwilliam@yccd.edu for consideration.