July 2024
As part of the District’s Values, YCCD embraces transparency and clear, honest communication. The Monthly Highlights intends to communicate to the District community major approval actions the Board takes at the monthly Board meetings. If you would like more detailed information on the highlighted items below, please see the link to the Board Docs agenda.
Board Study Session:
The Board had a special study session on District Institutional Research Team Presentation: Institutional Effectiveness. You can see the presentation and additional information linked here.
Special Recognition:
- Employee Spotlight Woodland Community College: Lynne Krause
Consent Agenda:
All items on the Consent Agenda were approved:
- Personnel Consent Agenda
- Ratification Agenda
- Monthly Financial Statement
- Monthly Warrants
- Agreement with Unleashing Leaders, Inc.
Approval Actions:
- Approved: Employment of YCCD Director of Safety and Risk Management: Lanell Garbini
- Approved: Agreement with Threatlocker, Inc.
- Approved: Agreement with Brookman Protection Services, Inc.
- Board Members’ Monthly Compensation: The Board voted to refrain from any increase to Board Members monthly compensation.
Next Board Meeting:
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Governing Board is August 8, 2024 at Yuba College 2088 N. Beale Rd, Marysville in Building 300.
Link to full meeting calendars.

If you have any questions or comments, contact the Chancellor’s Office at yccdchancellorsoffice@yccd.edu