YCCD Board Approves 2020 Bond Election
Voters within the YCCD boundaries – Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Yolo, Butte and Placer counties – will have an opportunity to decide on a new bond measure during the upcoming March 2020 primary election. The YCCD Governing Board unanimously approved a $228.4 million bond election at their October 10, 2019 Regular Board meeting. Approval of the bond will require a minimum of 55 percent of voters and will levy an ad valorem tax on taxable property within the district.
Chancellor Houston, in an interview stated that the improvements are critical to the future of the district and to student success. The board’s mindset is to position the district for the next 50 years from now. The funds from the general obligation bonds will be used for capital facilities projects including possibly expanding the Sutter County campus to include a second education building for increased programming; a multi-purpose facility at the Woodland campus; and updating buildings at the Yuba College campus, many of which still require renovation or modernization.
The Governing Board conducted a survey across the district on whether or not a new bond measure would receive the required support. Dale Scott & Co., the firm that administered the survey, reported that the response received was overwhelmingly supportive. The upcoming primary election will occur on March 3, 2020.
Arguments for Measure C were filed by the YCCD in early December followed by the Sutter County Taxpayer’s Association filing an Argument against Measure C. The argument against Measure C states the District currently has four bonds the tax payers are currently paying on and that the project list for Measure C is extremely general in nature and similar to the Measure Q bond reauthorization approved by voters in 2016.
YCCD has filed a rebuttal to the argument against Measure C stating that in truth, YCCD has only had one voter-approved GO bonds in over 50 years (Measure J approved in 2006 and reauthorized for taxpayer savings in 2016) and further stresses the responsibility of the communities the District serves to preserve, protect, and improve the vital public institutions for future generations.
More information and Frequently Asked Questions about the bond election is available here on the YCCD website at: https://www.yccd.edu/board/measure-c-general-obligation-bond/
CCLC Annual Convention
Chancellor Houston attended the CCLC Annual Convention November 20th-23rd where educational leaders from across the state gathered for an opportunity to share best practices, tools, knowledge, and expertise aimed at increasing the effectiveness of local partnerships and initiatives and strengthening the implementation of statewide policies. Chancellor Houston participated on the panel of two sessions.
On Thursday morning, Chancellor Houston participated, along with ACCCA colleagues, in a panel session entitled “Prepared to Lead? Management Training Essentials for Today’s Campus”. The panel discussed a recent statewide survey of administrators resulting in some surprising results about the level and nature of training needed RIGHT NOW, how to prepare management teams to successfully address the multitude of challenges already being experienced, and the need for making professional development a priority for college leaders.
Thursday afternoon Chancellor Houston joined a panel session entitled “Moving the Needle on Diversity and Equity Leadership Practices” discussing how trustees and CEOs can create, nurture and sustain a campus culture of diversity, equity and inclusion through improving cultural competency and hiring practices.
Legislative Update
Legislature is in recess and will reconvene January 6, 2020.
Chancellor’s Calendar
December 2019
3 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
3 – District Consultation Council (DC3)
4 – Meetings of the Facilities/Audit and Finance Committees
4 – Board’s (WCC Facility) Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
4 – Meeting with FAYCCD Leadership
5 – District, Colleges, Academic Senate (DCAS) Leadership Meeting
5 – ACCCA Executive Committee monthly call
9 – 2020 CEO Academy Planning Call
10 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
10 – Meeting with District Senior Executive Team
11 – District Management Council (DMC)
13 – Board’s (WCC Facility) Ad Hoc Committee Meeting (WCC)|
13 – Meeting with Student Trustee Valdovinos (WCC)
14-15 – Chief Information System Officers Academy Leadership Session
16 – Meeting with Trustee Teagarden
16 – Meeting with Student Trustee Yanez
17 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
17 – District Services Holiday Lunch
17 – Meeting with Trustee Hastey
18 – Meeting with Foundation Financial Advisor
18 – Yuba College Nursing Pinning Ceremony
19 – District, Colleges, Academic Senate (DCAS) Leadership Meeting
19 – Meeting with Trustee Savarese
19 – Policy/Student Access & Success Committee Meeting
19 – YCCD Board’s Holiday Reception
19 – Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board
20 – Tentative Vacation Day
23 – Jan 2 – Winter Break (District Offices Closed)