With the passage of Measure J, YCCD was required to appoint an independent Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC), comprised of volunteers representing key constituents designated by state statute. The CBOC holds public meetings to review project plans and to ensure all bond funds are being used for capital projects not administrative, faculty or staff salaries. The committee also oversees annual audits of all Measure J and Measure Q expenditures.

Committee Members

All committee members serve in an uncompensated capacity for two-year terms, and may not exceed serving three consecutive terms. No committee members may be college district employees or officials, or vendors, contractors, or consultants to the college district.

  • Elizabeth Skelly, College Support Organization
  • Kathy Walker, Member of the Community at Large
  • Susan Alves, Senior Citizens’ Organization
  • Gregory Forest, Member of the Community at Large
  • Vacant- Student Active in a College Support Group
  • Sean Andersen, Business Representative Organization
  • Vacant- Bona-fide Taxpayer’s Association