District Office News
District & YC-AFT Reaches a Tentative Contractual Agreement

I am thrilled to share some fantastic news with you: the District and YC-AFT have reached a tentative agreement, pending ratification by YC-AFT and the Board of Trustees. This agreement marks a significant milestone, reached through the hard work and collaboration between the District and YC-AFT.
Our shared commitment to our students, our community, and our values of equity and social justice paved the way for this achievement amidst significant budget uncertainty and resource scarcity. The provisions of the tentative agreement include:
- Parity-Driven Compensation: We are implementing a new compensation structure that will gradually achieve compensation parity for part-time faculty with full-time faculty and track our progress toward this goal.
- Medical Insurance Coverage: By participating in a new state-wide program, the District will reimburse qualifying part-time faculty (including those with qualifying multi-district appointments) for the cost of healthcare coverage.
- Distance Education: Recognizing the importance of providing all faculty with the tools and resources for engaging in effective and high-quality distance education, the agreement includes DE-related stipends.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Tawny Dotson, YC President, and Dr. Lizette Navarette, WCC President, I want to extend heartfelt thanks to the YC-AFT negotiation team led by Dr. Joe Radding for their good faith and collaborative spirit. I also wish to thank the District negotiation team led by Associate Vice Chancellor Jake Hurley for their tireless dedication and effort.
As we approach the end of this academic year, I want to express my gratitude to all faculty and staff for their unwavering commitment to our students.
-Shouan Pan, Ph.D.
Yuba Community College District Chancellor
Chancellor’s Open Door
Chancellor’s Open Door will resume in the Fall.
Next Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees will meet for their regular meeting on Thursday, June 11, 2024 at Yuba College, Building 300. The agenda will be released 72-hours prior to the meeting here.
District Holiday Closures/Summer Schedules

- June 3, 2024 through July 26, 2024 – YCCD summer work schedule, offices will be closed on Fridays
- Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – Juneteenth National Independence Day
- Thursday, July 4, 2024 – Independence Day
District Security Reminder
We’d like to thank everyone for their support and understanding as we work together to create a safe and welcoming environment for all. During the security transition, we want to remind you of the following:
Emergency and Non-Emergency Protocol:
In case of an emergency, please dial 911
Non-Emergency Contact:
For non-emergency assistance, reach out to the security guards at the following contact information:
Yuba College: (530) 870-1158
Woodland Community College: (530) 681-8782
Yuba College News
Flashover Training
On May 6, Yuba College President Dotson and Chancellor Pan participated in the Flashover Training with the Fire Academy. Flashover training allows students to experience fire behavior, progression, flashover indicators and techniques of a real fire, in a controlled environment. It was a great experience for everyone involved!

Woodland Community College News
Woodland Community College Professors Achieved Tenure
Congratulations to Woodland Community College Professor Jahanshahloo and Professor Rios for achieving tenure! The Board acknowledged Professors Jahanshahloo and Rios during the May 9, 2024 Board Meeting. Academic Senate President, Professor Matt Clark, highlighted the relevant backgrounds and educational achievements of both professors.
WCC Recognized by NAMI Yolo County
WCC received an award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Yolo County for its outstanding contributions to mental health awareness. The accolade was presented during the annual Celebrate Hope & Resilience event, which honors organizations committed to enhancing understanding of mental health issues and eradicating stigma. Check out some of the photos and learn about our partnership: Celebrate Hope and Resilience 2024 • NAMI Yolo County
Ink Magazine Releases Issue 23 for Spring 2024
Ink Magazine proudly announced the release of its 23rd issue for Spring 2024. This edition showcases a diverse range of creative work from talented contributors. Check out Ink Magazine: INK Spring 2024 Final (yccd.edu)
Fiscal Update

Governor released May Revision on the proposed 2024-25 budget on May 10. Additional details were released on May 14. Below are some of the highlights on the State budget:
- Revised Budget Outlook: The anticipated deficit for 2024-25 rose from $37.9 billion to $44.9 billion due to ongoing revenue shortfalls.
- Early Action Plan: Assembly Bill 106 addressed $17.3 billion of the deficit through reductions, revenue, borrowing, delays, and funding shifts. Although it didn’t affect California Community College funding, it empowered freezing extra one-time funding from previous Budget Acts for Community Colleges.
- Additional Strategies: To tackle the remaining $27.6 billion shortfall for 2024-25, the revised budget plan employs strategies like funding delays, reductions, internal borrowing, and reserve withdrawals. The Governor’s Budget withdrawal of $12.2 billion from the Budget Stabilization Account and $900 million from the Safety Net reserve will be spread over two years. Similar mechanisms are proposed for 2025-26, emphasizing two-year budget planning and legislative changes for saving during economic upswings.
- State Operations Reductions: The May Revision proposes a 7.95% reduction to all state agencies compared to the Governor’s January budget proposal. This results in a $25 million non-Prop 98 funding reduction for the State Chancellor’s Office.
- Enacted Budget Possibilities: The final budget could differ from the May Revision proposal and will be shaped through negotiations. The May Revision’s borrowing of nearly $8.8 billion from future non-Proposition 98 sources has drawn criticism, potentially leading to programmatic reductions or deferrals if rejected. The reductions or deferrals for California Community Colleges equate to $970 million. Additional details are listed below on this topic:
- Governor Newsom’s Budget Proposal Raises Concerns
- Background: The $8.8 billion problem arose due to uncertainties in tax revenues, leading to a shortfall in 2022 tax collections. This translated to a significant reduction in the calculated 2022-23 Proposition 98 minimum guarantee.
- The Proposed Solution: To address this, Governor Newsom proposed spreading the impact of the excess cash provided to education in 2022-23 over five years. This involves annual payments of around $1.8 billion from non-Proposition 98 General Fund resources starting from 2025-26 through 2029-30.
- Controversy and legal concerns: Critics argue that the proposal may not align with the constitutional requirements for calculating Proposition 98. Specifically, concerns are raised about how the maneuver handles adjustments to the Proposition 98 base, which could have long-term effects on education funding.
- The proposal has sparked controversy as lawmakers navigate towards a balanced budget, highlighting the complexities surrounding education funding in California.
The May Revision underscores the importance of stability and strategic investments amidst fiscal challenges, ensuring continued support for California Community Colleges. Below are highlights of California Community Colleges budget proposal along with a potential impact to Yuba Community College District:
- Stability Amidst Budget Deficit: Despite a reduced state budget of $288 billion, down 7% due to a projected $45 billion deficit, the proposed 2024-25 budget for California Community Colleges prioritizes stability. No major core reductions are proposed, with reserves and operational savings utilized to balance the budget. The enacted budget may have an impact to community colleges depending on what resolution is adopted to address the challenges with the calculated decline in proposition 98 funding of $8.8 billion and $970 million for California Community Colleges.
- Impact to YCCD: This may result in a potential reduction or deferral of funding in the amount of $7.4 million.
- Funding Increase: Overall funding sees a slight increase compared to the current year, with a 1.07% COLA for community college apportionments.
- Impact to YCCD: This will result in increase to district’s apportionment by 1.07%.
- Enrollment Growth: $28 million allocated for systemwide enrollment growth of 0.50%.
- Impact to YCCD: The district can potentially tap into the growth funding if there is growth.
- One-Time Funding: Limited one-time funding includes $60 million for nursing program expansion and $35 million for Vision 2030 projects.
- Categorical Programs: A $14.5 million COLA is allocated for CCC categorical programs.
- Technical Adjustments: SCFF base adjustments result in a net decrease of $120.69 million.
Impact to YCCD: The district may benefit from the nursing program funding along with COLA applied to categorical programs. If property taxes across the Community College system declines, there is no protection or backfill for the decline.
Recently Reviewed Board Policies
The below Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Procedures (AP) were reviewed, with noted updates and finalized in Board Docs. The AP’s reviewed will go to the Board in the summer as an informational item, per standard practice.
Minor Update Needed
This AP was reviewed as part of the five-year cycle. Language minorly updated to replace Police Chief with Director of Safety and Risk Management to reflect recent security changes at the District.
AP 3950 – Hosting Elected Officials, Dignitaries and Guest Speakers
Substantial Update Needed
The proposed draft updates the language to the current standard for DEIA and clarifies how the District intends to instill DEIA in its decisions and processes.
BP 1300 – Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA)

—– For current open positions, visit our hiring webpage for more information. —–
Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.
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