Yuba College Tenure Celebrations
On April 12, 2018 a reception was held at Yuba College to honor all newly tenured Yuba College Faculty. Honorees included Professor Kiara Koenig, Professor Meredith Selden, and Dr. Jan Ponticelli, pictured below.
President GH Javaheripour introduced the newly tenured faculty to the Board and included a brief background and educational achievements of each honoree. The honorees were present at the April 12th Regular Board meeting and thanked the Board for the opportunity and expressed their appreciation.
Professor Manuela Dragos will be honored at the May 10 Board meeting that will be held at Woodland Community College.

Seventh Annual California Community College Veterans Summit
Chancellor Houston attended the seventh annual California Community Colleges Veterans Summit hosted by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, and the Foundation for California Community Colleges.
The seventh annual Veteran’s Summit focused on providing information to help colleges continue the task of incorporating Veterans Services into guided Pathways framework, improving educational outcomes, completion rates and closing achievement gaps for student veterans. Breakout sessions included topics such as leveraging on and off campus partnerships to support student veteran success, equitable access for veterans to community colleges, Guided Pathways, and building awareness about veterans on campus.
WCC Performing Arts/Culinary Facility Advocacy Efforts Continue
In early April, Chancellor Houston met with YCCD Representatives in Sacramento to continue advocacy efforts for the Woodland Community College Performing Arts/Culinary facility capital project. Dr. Houston discussed the need to include the WCC building on the Governor’s construction list in the 2018-19 budget with representatives and the impact on our local communities.
Chancellor Houston sent a letter to Governor Brown in April with the message that the Governor’s January Budget proposal included two buildings of the same category as the WCC facility and requested that the WCC building also be included on the construction list. The April 11th meetings in Sacramento resulted in four YCCD representatives agreeing to sign and send a joint letter to the Governor’s office and the Department of Finance in support of including the WCC capital project on the construction list.
California Tribal College Partnership with Woodland Community College
The California Tribal College (CTC) leadership and Woodland Community College (WCC) leadership have established an MOU which reflects the CTC presence on the WCC campus. The CTC will maintain a presence on the WCC Yolo County campus during the spring 2018 semester with the stay possibly extending to the coming two or three years. The MOU addresses the CTC initiative development issues including shared costs, invoicing YCCD, continued facility use and more.
The CTC has developed and provided not-for-credit certificate programs and workshops in the past, targeting needs identified by California tribal leaders, they plan to use this time at WCC to learn from the WCC Curriculum Committee representatives, administrative leaders, student services personnel and more. WCC President Dr. White and CTC President Dr. Kipp will utilize the expertise of WCC, YCCD, CCCCO, and ACCJC to move this complex project forward.
2018 Annual Trustees Conference
Chancellor Houston and two YCCD Trustees attended the 2018 Annual Trustees Conference in Valencia May 4 through May 6. Conference speakers and session explored student success, fiscal responsibility, educational trends, and effective trusteeship.
Chancellor Houston moderated a discussion regarding natural disasters and the effects on colleges. Panelists answered questions on topics such as stabilization, the type of help required, how to prepare for natural disasters and shared insights on lessons learned.
Additionally, Chancellor Houston, with his extensive experience cultivating and developing collaborative and effective Board/CEO relationships, participated in a session sharing solutions to overcome the challenging environment of short CEO tenure, best practices to find common ground between CEO/Boards and the community stakeholders to ensure the stability and success of a district.
District Newsletter
The District Newsletter is intended to share updates from various participatory decision-making groups, Board Policies and Administrative Procedures, updates from Cabinet, District Services departments, and excerpts from the Chancellor’s monthly Board Reports. You can access the May 2018 District Newsletter here: http://bit.ly/May2018DistrictNewsletter
2018 Legislative Update
Bills of Interest
AB 2891 (Holden)
This bill would authorize community college districts to enter into dual enrollment agreements with charter schools. The bill passed out of Assembly Education and will go to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The bill was referred to both Higher Education and Education as it dealt with community colleges and K-12 schools. The bill will likely go to the Appropriations suspense file because of the costs associated with the bill. In addition to this measure, the Department of Finance has proposed budget trailer bill language that would do the same thing as this bill. Were the language to go through the budget it would take effect as soon as the budget was signed at the end of June and districts could begin entering the partnerships for fall, rather than having to wait until January if the policy goes through the legislative process.
SB 1406 (Hill)
The bill which would extend the sunset date for the California Community College Baccalaureate Pilot Program was moved out of the Senate Appropriations under rule 28.8 which means there is little to no cost to the program so the committee did not need to hear it. It was originally on consent on the floor of the Senate, but because of opposition from the California Faculty Association it was taken off consent and could be heard on the floor in late April or early May.
AB 2391 (Harper)
Assembly Bill 1935, introduced by Assembly member Harper, will, commencing July 1, 2019, require a campus of the California Community Colleges or the California State University that issues student identification cards to, and would request a campus of the University of California that issues student identification cards to, include on the back of the student identification cards the telephone numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Crisis Text Line, and the campus policy or security telephone number or, if the campus does not have a campus police or security telephone number, the local non-emergency telephone number. The bill passed out of Assembly Higher Education and will go to the Assembly floor.
AB 2477 (Rubio)
Assembly Bill 2477, introduced by Assembly member Rubio, commencing with the 2019-20 academic year, will require the California Community Colleges to designate a Dream Resource Liaison on each of their respective campuses to assist students meeting specified requirements, including undocumented students, by streamlining access to all available financial aid and academic opportunities for those students. The bill passed out of the Assembly Higher Education Committee and will go to the Assembly Appropriations.
AB 2621 (Medina)
This bill was amended to require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to conduct a student on the feasibility of creating an exclusively online community college and to report its findings to the Legislature on or before July 1, 2019. The bill previously was a spot bill.
AB 2767 (Medina)
Assembly Bill 2621, introduced by Assembly member Medina, would require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to submit a report to the Legislature, on or before July 1, 2019, containing its findings from the study and providing recommendations as to various funding formula models the Legislature may wish to adopt for use by the California Community Colleges. The bill, previously a spot bill, was amended to require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to conduct a study of the funding formula used to allocate state apportionment’s by the California Community Colleges for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
ACR 150 (Limon)
This bill would recognize the week of March 18, 2018 to March 24, 2018, inclusive, as Dual Enrollment Week in California and would encourage colleges and universities to visit high schools and take action to help pupils register in dual enrollment courses. The bill passed the Assembly.
SB 968 (Pan)
Senate Bill 968, Introduced by Senator Pan, would require the Trustees of the California State University, the governing board of each community college district, and request the Regents of the University of California, to hire one full-time equivalent mental health counselor per 1,000 students at each of their respective campuses to the fullest extent consistent with state and federal law. The bill passed out of Senate Education and will go to Senate Appropriations.
SB 1381 (Nielsen)
Senate Bill 1381, introduced by Senator Nielsen, would declare that the outdoor areas of public post-secondary educational institutions are traditional public forums. The bill would provide that a public post-secondary educational institution may maintain and enforce reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions only when those restrictions are narrowly tailored in service of a significant institutional interest, employ clear, published, content-neutral, and viewpoint-neutral criteria, and provide for ample alternative means of expression. The bill passed out of Senate Higher Education and Senate Judiciary and will go to Senate Appropriations.
SB 1471 (Hernandez)
Senate Bill 1471, introduced by Senator Hernandez, passed of Senate Education and will go to Senate Appropriations. This bill would increase the annual Competitive Cal Grant A and B award limit from 25,750 to 30,000.
Chancellor’s Calendar
May 2018
1 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
1 – Conference Call with CSU Asst. Vice Chancellor Grenot-Scheyer (Teacher Prep Summit)
1 – District Consultation and Coordination (DC3) Meeting
2 – Special Board Meeting
2 – Meetings of the Facilities/Audit and Finance Committees
2 – YCCD Foundation Board Meeting
3 – “Doing What Matters” CEO Symposium (Valencia)
3 to 6 – Annual Trustee Conference (Valencia)
8 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
8 – District Services Executive Team (DSET) Meeting
9 – Meeting with College Presidents
10 – Meeting with Trustee Wheeler
10 – Meeting with Trustee Savarese
10 – Board’s Policy Committee Meeting
10 – Meeting of the Governing Board
15 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
15 – Meeting with Academic Senate Presidents
16 – Meeting with Trustee Sandy
16 – Meeting with Yolo Food Bank leadership (Woodland)
16 – Meeting with California Tribal College President Dr. Kipp
17 – District Colleges Academic Senates (DCAS) Meeting
18 – Yuba College Nursing Pinning Ceremony
18 – Yuba College Radiologic Technician Pinning Ceremony
21 – Meeting with Trustee Pasquale
23 – WEDPAC/EDPAC Meeting
24 – Meeting with CSU Chico President (at CSU Chico)
25 – Yuba College Awards Breakfast
25 – Commencement Exercises