District Office News
Special Topics Zoom Series
The next session titled “Strengthen YCCD and Community Relations” will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
On the Special Topics Zoom Series website you can find schedules and Zoom links, feedback form, and recordings of previous presentations.
Chancellor’s Open Door

As a reminder, Chancellor Pan will be on campus, monthly, to meet and interact with faculty, staff, and students who would like to stop by during the “Open Door” period. Below are the upcoming dates/times. No appointment is necessary.
Woodland Community College, Academic Senate Office
Thursday, February 1, 2024
From 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Yuba College, Staff Lounge
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
From 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Lake County Campus, Room 150
Thursday, February 29, 2024
From 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
2024 Board Meeting Calendars
The 2024 Regular Board Calendar and Board Sub-Committee Calendar are updated and can be found linked here.
District Holiday Closures
Friday, February 16, Observance of Lincoln’s Birthday
Monday, February 19, Observance of Washington’s Birthday
Yuba College News
Welcome Dr. Alan Dixon to Yuba College! Dr. Dixon is the new Dean of Career and Technical Education and Workforce Development. Dr. Dixon will oversee 20 areas at the college and is eager to work with local agencies to build internship programs. To learn about CTE programs at Yuba College, please visit yc.yccd.edu/academics/career-technical-education.
Yuba College, as a part of a North Central Adult Education Consortium, was awarded a $53,528 grant to develop ELL Healthcare Pathways. Along with Yuba College, Lake County Office of Education, Sutter County Office of Education, Woodland Adult Education, and Yolo County Office of Education have committed to expanding or developing adult vocational pathways for English Language Learners in the following areas: Dental Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Nursing Assistant, Phlebotomist, Social and Human Services Assistant, and Medical Assistant. Yuba College will focus specifically on building out an ELL, non-credit adult education pathway in our EMT and Human Services or Chemical Dependency Counseling programs. The funding will be used to support curriculum development by our part-time faculty in these programs as well as instructional material needs for the development and implementation of these non-credit ELL pathways.
Happenings around the college
Feb. 1-29: African-American History Month
Feb. 2: Softball vs. Chabot College (Double Header), 10 am
Feb. 2: Baseball vs. Taft College, 1 pm
Feb. 3: Baseball vs. Taft College (Double Header), 11 am
Feb. 3: Softball vs. Taft College (Double Header), Noon
Feb. 6: Baseball vs. City College of San Francisco, 1 pm
Feb. 7: Women’s Basketball vs. Laney College, 5:30 pm
Feb. 7: Men’s Basketball vs. College of Alameda, 7:30 pm
Feb. 9: Baseball vs. Lassen College, 1 pm
Feb. 10: Baseball vs. Lassen College (Double Header), 11 am
Feb. 12: Baseball vs. Butte College, 1 pm
Feb. 13: Softball vs. Santa Rosa Junior College (Double Header), Noon
Feb. 14: Women’s Basketball vs. Mendocino College, 5:30 pm
Feb. 14: Men’s Basketball vs. Mendocino College, 7:30 pm
Feb. 16: Softball vs. College of the Redwoods (Double Header), Noon (Tentative)
Feb. 22: Women’s Basketball vs. Napa Valley College, 5:30 pm
Feb. 22: Men’s Basketball vs. Napa Valley College, 7:30 pm
Feb. 23: Softball vs. Lassen College, Noon (Double Header)
Feb. 29: Baseball vs. Solano College, 2 pm
Full Yuba College sports schedules are linked here.
Woodland Community College News
On January 19 Woodland Community College (WCC) commemorated the opening of the Performing Arts and Culinary Center. Supported by voters through Measure J, the Performing Arts and Culinary Center is a testament to Woodland Community College’s commitment to providing a holistic education experience for students. The center boasts a state-of-the-art kitchen, adaptable theatre, and performance spaces equipped with modern audiovisual technology, providing a platform for students to showcase their talents in music, drama, and dance, and creating an environment that fosters creativity, skill development, and collaboration.

On January 29, Lake County Campus was host to the Lake County Restaurant Expo organized by the Lake County Economic Development Corporation. The event is part of an initiative to support the local food service and restaurant industry. Here is a link to a YouTube video about the successful event: https://youtu.be/rjsXZtcbZPw.

Fiscal Update

Governor’s Proposed Budget for 2024-25:
Governor Newsom’s 2024-25 budget proposal reveals a 6% decrease in the overall state budget to $291.5 billion, driven by a $37.9 billion deficit. The General Fund spending would drop by almost 8% to $208.7 billion. For more specifics, please see this link for the joint analysis issued by the State Chancellor’s Office.
Colleges, relying on a withdrawal of Proposition 98 Rainy Day funds. The budget reflects escalating revenue shortfalls, with the 2023 Budget Act expecting a $31.5 billion deficit, which has now worsened. Revenues have fallen significantly below projections, leading to a projected $37.9 billion deficit for 2024-25. Despite a substantial deficit, the Governor’s Budget aims to address the issue with various mechanisms, leaving approximately $18 billion in state reserves. The proposal emphasizes the need to explore changes in the law to allow for more savings during economic upswings due to limitations imposed by the State Appropriations Limit (Gann Limit).
The California Community Colleges budget prioritizes stability, avoiding major program cuts by utilizing reserves and canceling certain unfunded projects. The Governor’s Budget allocates $48 million in ongoing policy adjustments for California Community Colleges (CCC) in 2024-25, compared to 2023-24 expenditure levels. However, after factoring in technical adjustments and funding changes, the system faces a net decrease of approximately $3.6 million. The proposed changes include ongoing policy adjustments, one-time policy adjustments, and technical adjustments. Property tax revenues increase, while Enrollment Fee revenues and Education Protection Account funding decrease. The proposed SCFF rates for various programs show modest adjustments. The budget highlights major policy decisions focusing on stability, including a small COLA and enrollment growth, targeted funding for nursing program expansion, and a statewide plan for affordable student housing. Ongoing spending includes a $69.1 million cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), $9.3 million for COLAs in categorical programs, and $29.6 million for 0.5% systemwide enrollment growth. One-time funding is allocated solely to expand nursing program capacity with a $60 million investment over five years. The budget proposes capital outlay funds for one ongoing project, with the possibility of additions in May.
Proposition 98 estimates are revised downward, with a 1.5% increase in the minimum guarantee for community colleges from the revised amount in the current year. The state determines the minimum guarantee annually based on Proposition 98 formulas, using three tests related to K-12 attendance, per capita personal income, and per capita General Fund revenue. While the estimates for 2022-23 and 2023-24 have decreased, the community college share of Proposition 98 funding remains at approximately 11%. The Governor’s budget proposes withdrawals from the Public School System Stabilization Account (PSSSA) to avoid major spending reductions, with community colleges facing withdrawals of $235.9 million for 2023-24 and $486.2 million in 2024-25. The PSSSA is expected to retain a balance of $3.8 billion at the end of 2024-25. These transfers don’t directly impact the total state spending for schools and community colleges across fiscal years but can influence appropriations in specific years.
The Proposition 98 minimum guarantee decreased by $8 billion in 2022-23 because of a decline in state revenues. The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) raises concerns about the lack of specification on how the state will execute this reduction, although it asserts that measures will be taken to minimize the impact on school and community college budgets. This reduction could potentially be around $910 million and Yuba Community College District’s share of this reduction alone is approximately $7 million or 10% of the district’s operating budget. The district is in the process of analyzing the Governor’s budget to determine all potential impacts to the district’s budget and multi-year projections.
The Governor’s Budget also addresses Cal Grant reforms in the May Revision based on the state’s revenues. Capital outlay investments are restricted to one continuing project, and state operations receive a small increase of about 5% to $27.1 million for the Chancellor’s Office in 2024-25.
Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team (FCMAT):
Amidst the ongoing challenge of managing diverse needs within a tightening budget, the District has taken proactive steps by engaging the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) to review the Board’s current budget and future projections. This strategic move highlights the District’s firm commitment to responsibly maintaining our student-centered approach to budget allocation. By utilizing resources from the State Chancellor’s Office to fully support the review, the District will benefit from this review at no cost.
In navigating the complexities of budget constraints, the District remains unwavering in its mission to create an inclusive and equitable learning environment conducive to student success. Drawing upon the insights obtained from the FCMAT review, the District will continue to enhance transparency in budgeting and resource allocation, ensuring stewardship of our limited resources while maintaining our commitment to our students and our communities.
Foundation News
The next Foundation Board Meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2024 at YCCD District Office/Sutter County Center, 3301 E Onstott Rd. in Yuba City. The agenda can be found on Board Docs, 72 hours before the meeting.
Recently Reviewed Board Policies
The policies below all had minor or no updates as a result of the five-year cycle review. Necessary updates to all the policies listed will be completed in Board Docs.
No Updates
BP 1200 – District Mission
BP 2010 – Board Membership
BP 2015 – Student Member
BP 2105 – Election of Student Members
BP 2200 – Board Duties & Responsibilities
BP 2205 – Standards of Good Practice
BP 2315 – Closed Session
BP 2350- Speakers
BP 2430 – Chancellor
BP 2431 – Chancellor Selection
BP 2435 – Evaluation of the Chancellor
BP 2440 – Selection and Evaluation of College Presidents
BP 2444 – Selection and Evaluation of District and College Executive, Management and Supervisory Staff
BP 2510 – Participation in Local Decision Making
BP 2715 – Code of Ethics
BP 2716 – Political Activity
BP 2720 – Communication Among Board Members
BP 2730 – Health Benefits
BP 2740 – Board Education
BP 2745 – Board Self-Evaluation
Minor Updates
BP 2433 – Spokesperson for the District – updated pronoun to be inclusive
- —– We are hiring! Visit our hiring webpage for more information. —–
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
- Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Would you like to have an event highlighted in a future newsletter? Email dwilliam@yccd.edu for consideration.