District Office News
The District is closed for Winter Break December 23 through January 2. We wish everyone happy, healthy holidays and a joyful new year!
Recruitment for the new permanent Chancellor continues and the search committee will being reviewing applications in January 2023. You can view the website entirely dedicated to the search, link here.
The 2023 Regular Board Calendar was approved at the December 15 Board, link here.
Woodland Community College News
Enrollments at Woodland Community College continue to show promising growth. After a 9% growth in enrollment for the fall semester compared to the previous fall, WCC is up over 5% for spring when compared to the same period last year. The college has been engaging in continued outreach and inreach strategies along with a planned marketing plan that will be utilize radio, direct mail, commercials and social media in both English and Spanish.
Yuba College News
On December 3, Yuba College participated in the Marysville Christmas Parade. The float was expertly designed in Christmas toy theme. Thank you to all the employees, students and Board members who not only dedicated time to construct the float but who also came out to represent Yuba College in the festive parade.

Come check out Yuba College sporting events!
- Dec. 21: Men’s Basketball at College of Marin
- Dec. 21: Women’s Basketball at College of Marin
YCCD Foundation News
In support of the Thanksgiving food baskets, the Yuba College Alumni & Friends made a gift to the Associated Students of Yuba College (ASYC). Additionally, Yuba College Faculty Association made contributions to ASYC, the Woodland Community College Food Pantry, and the Lake County Campus Basic Needs Center. In total more than 200 students and their families benefited from the Thanksgiving food basket program.
Jack and Kathy Schoen have funded an annual scholarship in Memory of Ludwig Schoen. Ludwig was a retired Chief Maintenance NCO for the SR-71 at Beale AFB and a veteran of the Korean War. In 1976 he graduated from Yuba College. The scholarship is given to an Air Force active duty, retired or honorably discharged enlisted soldier or their dependent. Mr. Schoen presented the Foundation Office with a $5,000 check so the Ludwig Schoen Scholarship can be endowed.
Earlier this month, Juanita G. Garcia and long-time Woodland resident passed away following a short battle with cancer. Juanita spent her career advocating for students with special needs through her position with the Yolo County Office of Education. In recognition of her support of students and to carry her legacy forward, her children have created the Juanita G. Garcia Scholarship for Students with Disabilities which will benefit students at Woodland Community College Campus.
Foundation Board Meeting dates for 2023:
- February 1
- May 3
- August 2
- November 1
Fiscal Update
Audit Report: The District’s external audit firm finalized the audit report for the Fiscal Year 2021-22, and it was presented to the Board’s Facilities/Audit Committee on December 7 and to the full Governing Board on December 15. This is the second year in a row that the District has had no audit findings. The District is commended by the firm for the timely submission of documentation to meet the State Chancellor’s Office deadline for the audit report of December 31 and noting that many districts are not going to meet this timeline. The firm also commends the District for not having any audit exceptions related to the Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEERF) or on the COVID-19 Recovery Block Grant. The guidance on the HEERF has been fluid and the US Department of Education posted numerous guidance documents and FAQs to provide direction on HEERF funding.
State Budget: Annually, ACCCA and ACBO hosts a budget workshop to share analysis from the state leaders on the Governor’s Proposed January budget. This workshop will be held virtually on January 18, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.