Chancellor’s Newsletter – January 2025

College News

Yuba College

Happenings around the college:

February 4: Softball vs. Folsom Lake College, 2 pm 
February 7: Baseball vs. Lassen College, 1 pm 
February 7: M. Basketball vs. Merritt College, 5:30 pm 
February 7: W. Basketball vs. Merritt College, 7:30 pm 
February 8: Baseball vs. Lassen College (Doubleheader), 11 am 
February 11: Softball vs. Santa Rosa Junior College (Doubleheader), Noon 
February 13: Baseball vs. City College of San Francisco, 2 pm 
February 14: M. Basketball vs. Los Medanos College, 5:30 pm 
February 14: W. Basketball vs. Los Medanos College, 7:30 pm 

Full Yuba College sports schedules are linked here.   


District Offices News

Welcome New Board Members 

In December 2024, the Board welcomed three dynamic new trustees, each bringing a wealth of experience. Curious to learn more about their backgrounds, expertise, and what they bring to the table? Click here to meet our newest Board members!

Jose Garcia- Area 6

Jose Garcia represents Trustee Area 6, which includes a portion of Yolo County (Woodland Unified School District) and a portion of Colusa County (Colusa, Pierce Joint, and Esparto Unified School District). Mr. Garcia’s term expires in 2028.

Vice President, William (Bill) Cornelius – Area 3 

Bill Cornelius represents Trustee Area 3, which includes a portion of Sutter County (Nuestro, Franklin, Brittan, Meridian, and Winship Elementary School District and Live Oak and Yuba City Unified School District). Mr. Cornelius’ term expires in 2026. 

John Cassidy – Area 4 

John Cassidy represents Trustee Area 4 which includes a portion of Sutter County (Yuba City Unified School District). Yuba College is in his trustee area. Mr. Cassidy’s term expires in 2028. 

Furthermore, Area 2 Trustee, Denise Burbank, and Area 7 Trustee, Douglas Harris, were re-elected, with both terms expiring in 2028.  

Trustees Jesse Ortiz Appointed to the CCCT Board 

In its January Board meeting, the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board voted to appoint YCCD Trustee, Jesse Ortiz, to the CCCT Board. The CCCT is a leadership body within the Community College League of California. It consists of 21 members elected statewide by the 73 district governing boards and a student-member elected by the student trustees. The CCCT Board takes positions on and formulates education policy issues that come before the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, the State Legislature, and other relevant state-level boards and commissions. This policy board provides input to the League Board to advance the mission and effectively serve the organization’s member colleges. 

Congratulations to Trustee Ortiz! 

California Community Colleges Classified Employee of the Year 

This program honors classified employees who demonstrate exceptional dedication to Vision 2030 and equitable student outcomes. Awardees will be recognized at the March 13, 2025, Board Meeting.  

Requirements: Classified employees with a minimum of five (5) years of service as a permanent employee within the nominating Community College District (full-time or part-time) are eligible for the award. The nominees are evaluated on their commitment to: 

  • Vision 2030 and equitable student outcomes 
  • Professional ethics and standards 
  • Serving the institution’s diverse student population through participation in professional and/or community activities 
  • Serving as a leader beyond their local institution 

—>Links to each form:  

District Services Nomination Form 
Yuba College Nomination Form 
Woodland Community College Nomination Form 

Nominations are due by Friday, February 12, 2025. 

Commitment To Our Students Regarding Immigration Enforcement 

Understanding that this is a time of great anxiety for many in our District community, the District Office will be hosting informational Zoom meetings to provide guidance on how to respond and prepare in the event of an immigration enforcement activity.
The meeting will be offered on three separate dates for your convenience:
  • Tuesday, February 4 | 1:30 p.m. –  3:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, February 6 | 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
  • Friday, February 7 | 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
—>Link to Zoom meetings:
Please note that the same information will be shared during each session, so you may choose the time that best fits your schedule.

Trustees Attended the Effective Trusteeship Workshop

Over two and half days (January 24-26), District Trustees Cassidy, Cornelius, Garcia, Harris, Ortiz, and Teagarden attended a number of workshops as part of the Excellence in Trusteeship Program (ETP) sponsored by Community College League of California. The ETP is designed to facilitate the ongoing education and professional development of trustees in California community colleges by providing a solid foundation for effective board governance.

Trustees Attended the 2025 Legislative Conference

District new Trustees (Cassidy, Cornelius, and Garcia) and Board President Teagarden attended the 2025 Legislative Conference from Sunday, January 26 to Monday, January 27. Chancellor Pan and the Trustees visited with District Representative Nicole Cuellar-Nelson for Senator Cabaldon and Senator Megan Dahle. At the meetings, the Trustees and the Chancellor took the opportunity to advocate for increased funding for significant deferred maintenance projects, unique needs of small and rural colleges, and nursing programs. In addition, the state legislature was asked to consult with community college system stakeholders before making any legislative changes to the Student-Centered Funding Formula.

Chancellor’s Open Door  

Chancellor Pan will be on campus, monthly, to meet and interact with faculty, staff, and students who would like to stop by during the “Open Door” period. Below are the upcoming dates/times. No appointment is necessary.  

Woodland Community College, Academic Senate Office 

Thursday, February 6, 2025 

From 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 


Yuba College, Staff Lounge  

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 

From 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.  


Sutter County Center, Chancellor’s Office 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 

From 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 

District Holiday Closures 

Friday, February 14, 2025 – Lincoln’s Birthday 
Monday, February 17, 2025 – Washington’s Birthday 


Next Regular Board Meeting 

The Board of Trustees will meet for their regular meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at Woodland Community College, 2300 E Gibson Rd. Woodland. The agenda will be released 72-hours prior to the meeting here.  

District Security Reminder  

The Campus Safety webpage lists security guard phone numbers and hours of operation for each campus: Campus Safety – YCCD.

Emergency Protocol
For emergencies on campus requiring police, fire or emergency medical services please dial 911.  

Non-Emergency Assistance
Contact the security guards at the following phone numbers:   
Yuba College: (530) 870-1158
Sutter County Center: (530) 954-0599
Woodland Community College: (530) 681-8782
Lake County Campus: (530) 954-0600

Report a Non-Emergency Hazard or Safety Concern
Report a hazard or safety concern i.e. trip, slip or fall hazard to: (mailbox not monitored 24/7)


Fiscal Update

The 2025-26 State Budget proposals by Governor Gavin Newsom highlight fiscal stability and strategic investments, reflecting a stronger financial position compared to 2024-25. Following a budget gap ranging from $38–$68 billion last year, current-year revenues are projected to exceed expectations by $16.5 billion. 

For California Community Colleges (CCC), key highlights include: 

  • A statutory COLA of 2.43% for the Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF), costing $230.4 million annually. 
  • Programs like Adult Education, EOPS, and CalWORKs will receive the same 2.43% COLA. 
  • 0.50% for systemwide Enrollment Growth. 

Other Investments: 

  • $100 million one-time for expansion of Credit for Prior Learning (Career Passport Program). 
  • $168 million one-time for the Statewide Technology Transformation project. 
  • $162.5 million for a common cloud data platform. 
  • $30 million ongoing to expand the Rising Scholars Network. 
  • Proposition 2 (2024) allocates $51.5 million one-time funds for infrastructure, modernization, and growth projects at 28 CCC facilities. 

Economic and Revenue Outlook 

The Governor assumes stable economic growth for 2025-26, with projected GDP growth slowing to 2.1% in 2025 and 1.8% in 2026. Inflation and unemployment rates are expected to decrease gradually. However, risks include federal policy changes, stock market volatility, and California’s high cost of living. 

Key projections: 

  • Personal income tax remains the largest revenue source (67% of General Fund revenue). 
  • Capital gains revenue is expected to contribute 8.5%–9.1% of annual General Fund revenues through 2026. 
  • A $16.5 billion revenue surplus over the three-year budget window (2023-26) is anticipated, driven by personal income and corporation taxes.

Proposition 98 Minimum Guarantee and State Reserves 

Proposition 98 Funding: 

  • The Proposition 98 funding proposal for 2024-25 is set $1.6 billion below ($117.6 billion proposed to be funded) the calculated guarantee ($119.2 billion). This approach aims to safeguard the state from allocating more funding to K-14 education than constitutionally required, as recovering excess appropriations would be challenging. 
  • Estimated at $118.9 billion for 2025-26, slightly below the 2024-25 peak of $119.2 billion. 

State Reserves: 

  • Maintains a $7.1 billion withdrawal from the Budget Stabilization Account (BSA) to balance the state budget over the two fiscal years (2024-25 and 2025-26). 
  • Proposes increasing the BSA cap from 10% to 20% of General Fund revenues for the state to increase California’s budget resiliency. 
  • Adds $376 million to the Public School System Stabilization Account (PSSSA), for an end-of-year balance for 2025-26 of $1.2 billion. 

Career Education Investments 

The Governor’s proposals align with the new Master Plan for Career Education, focusing on dual enrollment, pathways programs, and skill documentation through initiatives like the Career Passport Program ($100 million one-time). 

Other key investments include: 

  • $5 million ongoing for a state planning and coordination body. 
  • $4 million one-time for regional coordination in career education and training. 


The Governor has prioritized stability funding for TK-14 education while postponing the planned 5% funding compacts for both the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems until 2027-28. At the same time, the proposed budget maintains a 7.95% reduction in ongoing General Fund support beginning in the 2025-26 fiscal year for both systems and state agencies including the State Chancellor’s Office. 


Recently Reviewed Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

The below Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Procedures (AP) went through the appropriate review process and finalized in Board Docs. The APs reviewed will go to the Board in the summer as an informational item, per standard practice.  

Substantive Updates: 
AP 3725 – Information and Communications Technology Accessibility & Acceptable Use. 

No Updates:  
BP 3280 – Grants 
BP 3310 – Records Retention and Destruction 
BP 3500 – Campus Safety 
BP 3510 – Workplace Violence 
BP 3530 – Weapons on Campus 
BP 3560 – Alcoholic Beverages 
BP 3600 – Auxiliary Organizations 
BP 3810 – Claims Against the District 
BP 3820 – Gifts 
BP 3720 – Computer Use, reviewed with no changes. 
BP 3725 – Information and Communications Technology Accessibility and Acceptable Use 
AP 3280 – Grants 
AP 3310 – Records Retention and Destruction 

Minor Updates: 
AP 3721 – Electronic Tools for Communication, updated technology language. The YCCD Communication Guide was also updated.  
AP 3722 – Account Management, updated Protocols to Responsibilities and consolidated verbiage. 


—– For current open positions, visit our hiring webpage for more information. —–


Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.

Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.


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