District Office News
The District Office has officially re-located! As a reminder the new address is:
Yuba Community College District
3301 E. Onstott Road
Yuba City, CA 95991
Future Board Meetings will be adjusted accordingly, and a new schedule of locations will be forthcoming at a future Board Meeting and posted online at Boarddocs.com.
The search for a permanent Chancellor has officially begun and the first screening committee meeting was held on October 3, 2022. The screening committee will meet a couple more times to plan out the recruitment process, screening criteria, and interviews. The recruitment will officially go live in mid-November and remain open until mid-January.
Woodland Community College News
On September 26, Woodland Community College (WCC) was recognized for their commitment to educational excellence at the Yolo County Excellence in Education ceremony. This year WCC honored Dr. Caren Fernandez as Director of TRiO Programs for her commitment to advancing the mission of our college and for garnering over $14 million dollars in federal grants to support access and serve our low income and first-generation students. In addition, the college recognized CommuniCare for their work serving all WCC students’ health and behavioral needs.
On October 7, President Pimentel attended an event at the Governor’s Mansion to celebrate WCC’s participation on the College Corps Volunteer Program. Students who participate in the College Corps Program will earn $10,000 for 450 hours of volunteer time in three priorities: education, climate action, and food insecurity.
On October 13, WCC hosted the “Women of the Year” led by Congressman John Garamendi at the Woodland Campus. A total of 58 women were honored by the congressman including 25 women from Glenn, Lake, Sutter, Yuba, and Yolo Counties.
Lake County Campus’ 50th Anniversary Celebration was one to go down in history! Members of the college community, past and present, turned out to enjoy live music from “Good Measure”, great company, and delicious food from our very own Culinary Arts class and some local food trucks. A special recognition to Dr. Annette Lee for leading the planning efforts along with several Lake County Campus staff and faculty.
On October 15, WCC hosted the first Binational Walk to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The women’s WCC soccer team supported the event by selling t-shirts and all proceeds were given to Thriving Pink, which is a Yolo County organization that focuses on bringing attention to breast cancer and research.
Yuba College News
Save the Date! The Yuba College Alumni and Friends will hold their second annual tail gate on Saturday, November 12 at 11:30 a.m., before the 49ers take on Foothill College in their final home game of the 2022 season. The tickets are $15 and will include food and admission to the game.
A team of Yuba College (YC) employees attended the Yuba-Sutter Foodbank’s Dinner fundraiser on September 30. The Foodbank continues to be a strong partner in addressing student hunger and food insecurity at our campus and center.
YC hosted the first-ever Yuba-Sutter Maker Faire on October 15 and started it off with a ribbon cutting ceremony. More than 500 community members visited the Marysville campus to see 30 booths, speeches, robot melees, food trucks, and more. A huge note of thanks to M&O and YCCD Police who showed up to ensure the event was set up and went smoothly!
On October 19, YC with Dr. Michael Bagley at the lead, hosted project leaders from UC Davis’ AvenueM program which included local high school districts and the Yuba College AvenueM leadership committee. AvenueM is a community college-to-medical school pathway program that aims to reduce barriers to entry to medical and other healthcare careers. AvenueM focuses on increasing diverse physicians from community colleges to serve Northern California, particularly medically underserved communities.

YCCD Foundation News
On October 1, the YC baseball team hosted their annual golf tournament fundraiser at the Whitney Oaks Golf Club. More than 100 players participated and the event raised over $10,000.
On October 20 more than 100 individuals joined the celebration as the Student Counseling Center was officially renamed the Neena Gill Counseling Center. Thanks to a generous gift from the Kash Gill family the center has new furniture, a new look with clean and vibrant colors, and will keep the legacy of Neena Gill and her commitment to students at the forefront of the student experience in the counseling center.
Fiscal Update
The District Consultation Council (DC3) launched a working group to draft and recommend a Resource Allocation Model (RAM) for the District. The working group is comprised of faculty, classified, and management across the District. The group will recommend a model to DC3. The Chancellor will review the proposed model and make a recommendation to the Board’s Finance Committee and the full Governing Board by May/June 2023. The working group recognizes that it will be an iterative process and that it will likely take the District a multi-year transition to the allocation model. The working group has finalized its charter and received an overview of the Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF). UC Davis’s Wheelhouse released this report that provides a good overview of the SCFF. MGI Advocacy is hired by the District for its legislative advocacy efforts and this report reflects that the state’s receipts are coming in below the projections for the current year.
Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.