District Office News
On Monday, September 4, 2023, the District will be closed in recognition of Labor Day. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yuba College News
A team of professionals from Yuba College attended the Enrollment Management Academy on July 17-20. The EMA is designed to develop an initial (or updated) enrollment management plan for attendees’ colleges. The plan is geared toward two objectives—meeting student need while, at the same time, attaining the college FTES target.

Happenings around the college
- August 7-11: Professional Development/FLEX Week
- August 9: Yuba College Convocation Day – Campus Closed
- August 10 – 11: Professional Development Days – No Classes
- August 11: Student-Athlete Orientation (B1200, Gym)
- August 14: First Day of the Fall Semester
- August 18: Chancellor Shaun Pan Formal Welcome Reception, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., Cafeteria
- August 25: Men’s Soccer vs. Ohlone
- August 29: Men’s Soccer vs. College of the Siskiyous
- September 1: Volleyball vs. Diablo Valley and Shasta College
- September 2: Football vs. Monterey Peninsula College
- September 5: Men’s Soccer vs. Delta College
- September 8: Volleyball vs. Cosumnes River College
- September 12: Men’s Soccer vs. Gavilan College
Full Yuba College sports schedules are linked here.
Fiscal Update
State Budget Update: California faces a downturn in revenues after two years of unprecedented growth due to a declining stock market, high inflation, rising interest rates, and job losses in high-wage sectors. However, the state’s prudent planning and budget resilience have put it in a strong fiscal position to address the shortfall. By paying down debt and using one-time surplus funds on one-time commitments, the budget protects core programs and services. It maintains fiscal discipline by setting aside a record $37.8 billion in budgetary reserves, enabling California to better withstand future economic challenges.
The state budget addresses the $31.7 billion shortfall with balanced solutions that avoid deep program cuts. It preserves investments in education, health care, climate, public safety, and social services relied upon by millions of Californians. The budget also accelerates construction of water, transportation, and clean energy projects to advance economic, climate, and social goals.
Key priorities protected in the budget include increased funding for K-12 schools and higher education, improved access to health care, addressing homelessness, and combating climate change. The budget also allocates funds for public safety, infrastructure, and climate investments.
Record reserves of $37.8 billion, including $22.3 billion in the Rainy-Day Fund, ensure the state’s financial stability and serve as an insurance policy against revenue risks and uncertainties. These reserves will protect core programs from drastic cuts in case of revenue shortfalls.
Overall, the budget presents a balanced approach to navigate the current economic challenges while safeguarding vital programs and maintaining strong fiscal resilience for the future.
California Community Colleges Budget Update: The California Community Colleges (CCCs) are the largest higher education system in the country, serving approximately 1.8 million students. For specific details on the state budget, you can find the joint analysis published by the State Chancellor’s Office at the following link. Part of the reappropriation enables the implementation of the May Revision’s proposal to allocate $503 million in one-time resources to support the Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF), even with a decrease in the Proposition 98 guarantee.
The Budget for 2023-24 includes the following adjustments for the CCCs, such as:
- Increase in CCC Apportionments: $678 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for an 8.22% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and $26.4 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for 0.5% enrollment growth. This allocation includes $503 million in one-time resources from the state’s funding for this ongoing allocation in the state budget. Therefore, approximately 2.5% of this funding is ongoing.
- Shift in Financing for CCC Affordable Student Housing Grants: Approximately $1.1 billion in General Fund support for CCC affordable student housing grants shifted to CCC-issued bonds, with an additional $78.5 million ongoing General Fund support.
- COLA for CCC Categorical Programs: $112.5 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for an 8.22% COLA for select categorical programs and the Adult Education Program.
- Funding Year Apportionments with One-Time Resources: Approximately $290 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to support Student-Centered Funding Formula costs for 2023-24.
- Nursing Program Support: $60 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund per year for five years, starting in 2024-25, to expand nursing programs and Bachelor of Science in Nursing partnerships.
- Online Education Study: $500,000 one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for a comprehensive study of online education at the community colleges.
- Student Success Completion Grant Program: Specific awards of the Student Success Completion Grant of $5,250 per semester for specified current and former foster youth, with a total support of approximately $362.6 million Proposition 98 General Fund for 2023-24.
- Community College Reporting: Requirements for reporting on full-time faculty to measure progress in increasing the percentage of instruction by full-time faculty and diversifying faculty.
- Flexible Block Grant: Statutory changes to consolidate investments for deferred maintenance, retention and enrollment, and a COVID-19 response block grant to create a flexible block grant.
- Other Increases: Additional funding for LGBTQ+ Pilot Project, East Los Angeles College Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center, and a decrease in ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund due to increased offsetting local property tax revenues.
District’s Budget Update: The District’s tentative budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year was approved by the Governing Board on June 8, 2023, using the Governor’s May Revision as a basis. The District will incorporate the state’s final enacted budget to develop the Adopted Budget for the Board’s review and approval during the September 14, 2023, Board Meeting. This process ensures that the budget aligns with the latest state funding and financial updates before final approval.
Since the state’s release of the budget, the State Chancellor’s Office released the advance apportionment calculation. The advance calculation of the state apportionment budget is based on prior-year data, serving as an estimate for the upcoming 2023-24 fiscal year. Unfortunately, it reveals a shortfall in the overall revenue needed to cover the statewide calculation of the California Community Colleges’ apportionment. Specifically, the advance apportionment shows a deficit factor of 2.29%, which reflects an anticipated decline in the District’s apportionment. Consequently, the previously proposed Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) of 8.22% will be affected, resulting in a net COLA for the system of approximately 6%. Of the remaining COLA, only about 2.5% is projected to be ongoing based on the state’s budget assumptions.
YCCD Foundation News
Save the date and join us in welcoming the new Chancellor, Dr. Shouan Pan! Events will be held at Yuba College, Woodland Community College, and Lake County Campus. The event will begin with a reception followed by special guest speakers.
Yuba Community College – Friday, August 18th from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Woodland Community College – Tuesday, August 22nd from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Lake County Campus – Wednesday, August 23rd 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
YCCD Foundation Receives $200,000 Gift
In June the Yuba Community College District Foundation received a wonderful gift of $200,000 from the Bill and Jo Ellen Warfield Trust. The purpose of the gift is to establish the Bill and Jo Ellen Warfield Scholarship for graduating students at Yuba College that will be continuing their education at a University of California or California State University institution. Bill and Jo Ellen were long time residents of Yuba City. Bill was the manager of Montgomery Ward in Marysville and a Realtor with Aztec Realty in Yuba City. Jo Ellen was a School Psychologist for the Marysville School District.
American Association of University Women Scholarship Programs
The YCCD Foundation is fortunate to work with two chapters of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Both chapters have been generous supporters of the community college in their local communities.
In Woodland, the AAUW Chapter recently decided to expand their scholarship offering and will now fund an additional $1,000 scholarships for students at Woodland Community College. The Yuba-Sutter AAUW, thanks to a $50,000 gift to the Foundation from long-time member and former Yuba College administrator Jeanine Rounds, will now provide up to three annual scholarships in the range of $1,000 to $1,500 per student.
We can support the success of students because of the amazing partnerships between the Foundation, the colleges, and organizations.
—– We are hiring! Visit our hiring webpage for more information. —–
Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.
Would you like to have an event highlighted in a future newsletter? Email dwilliam@yccd.edu for consideration.