YCCD Board of Trustees Planning and Development Session
The YCCD Board of Trustees held their annual planning and development session on July 11th and 12th at the YCCD Board Room. The July 11th session included a presentation on the status of the eight YCCD Student Success Measures adopted by the Board in 2016, and a review of the Board of Governor’s Vision for Success Goals. During the afternoon session the Trustees participated in a compression planning session, facilitated by Yuba College Dean, Dr. Carla Tweed, to further review and develop aspirational goals relative to Board of Governor’s Vision for Success Goals. The Governing Board will adopt a resolution at the August Regular Board meeting committing to the achievement of the Board of Governor’s Vision for Success goals.
The second session, held on July 12th, included Trustee review of the Chancellor’s performance evaluation and identifying goals and priorities for the 2018-19 year. Additionally, the Trustees reviewed the 2017-2018 Board Self-Evaluation with Dr. Mitchell Rosenberg with the goal of identifying three to five developmental objectives for the upcoming year. The Governing Board identified four action items for Board processes and eight Board development objectives for the 2018-2019 year.
YCCD Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
Proposition 39 requires community college districts that pass Prop 39 bonds to seat a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) to assure the community that bond funds are expended in the fashion outlined in the district’s bond resolution. The CBOC must inform the public about the expenditure of bond revenue and actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for construction.
In May 2018 the YCCD Governing Board approved the appointments of five of the required seven CBOC members. The newly appointed members met in July for an orientation of their duties and to review current projects utilizing Measure J and Q bond funds. Series D Measure J Bond funds were sold in April 2016 for $26.5 million and the balance of Measure J funds were refunded under Measure Q in November 2016 for $33.5 million. Measure Q bonds have not been sold.
The CBOC, which is required to meet only once a year, will meet again in January 2019 to continue review of current bond-funded projects and begin development of the required annual report for Governing Board approval. Once major construction utilizing bond funds begins, the CBOC will meet more frequently.
District Services Convocation
The 2018-2019 District Services Convocation was held on Thursday, August 2nd at the Sutter County Campus. District Services employees gathered together to open the 2018-2019 academic year and participate in several beneficial trainings including sessions on Information Security, Introduction to Web Advisor/Colleague 5.5, Keenan Safe Colleges, WordPress Website Editing and Creating Accessible Electronic Documents for 508 compliance.
Chancellor Houston provided a State of the District update, welcoming new District Services employees, and offering a great big thank you to the District Services staff for their role in pushing the YCCD Student Success initiatives forward.

YCCD has moved the needle forward in areas such as student progression through developmental English, progression through developmental math, semester to semester persistence, semester course completion, and degree/certificate completion. In addition, YCCD has significantly improved the transfer readiness of students over the last three years.
In addition to reviewing the student success initiatives, Chancellor Houston shared the YCCD Governing Board commitment to the Board of Governor’s Vision for Success Goals stating that although there are colleges in the state that feel these goals are unattainable, the YCCD Governing Board believes that YCCD is now poised to successfully attain these goals within the suggested 5 year timeline.
Chancellor Houston spoke on other State-wide changes including the new Student Success focused Funding Formula, the new 115th Online Community College, the California Promise Program, Guided Pathways, Developmental Education Reform, the community college Baccalaureate program, and the California Community College Teacher Credentialing Pilot in which YCCD has been instrumental in advocating for rural and urban community colleges that are facing extreme teacher shortages.
Expansion of Associate Degree for Transfer Program
An article in the California Community Colleges Outlook, a bi-monthly e-newsletter highlighting California Community Colleges produced by the Chancellor’s Office, reports the California community college system has entered into a new agreement with the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) which will allow California community college students who are pursuing an Associate’s Degree for Transfer (ADT) to get a guaranteed admission to 36 private, non-profit four-year colleges and universities.
The article notes that the ADT program began in 2011-12, offering guaranteed acceptance to a California State University campus to California’s community college students. The new agreement will expand the program for the first time since its inception and include a guarantee to California community college students that their prior coursework will be transferable to private, non-profit institutions while also seeing a more streamlined and simplified transfer process. There are currently 28 AICCU ADT participating institutions that will begin accepting applications in fall 2018, seven that will begin accepting applications in spring 2019, and two in the fall of 2019.
A full list of AICCU ADT participating institutions by term can be found by reading the CCC Chancellor’s Office News Release. Additional information about the ADT program can be found at the A Degree with a Guarantee website.
CCCCO Release Information and FAQ on AB 705
AB 705, a bill signed by Governor brown on October 13, 2017 and took effect January 1, 2018, requires that a community college district or college maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and math within a one year timeframe and use, in the placement of students into English and math courses, one or more of the following: high school coursework, high school grades, and high school grade point average. The bill also authorizes the Board of Governors to establish the use of measures, instruments and placement models to ensure that these measures achieve the goal of AB 705. All community colleges are required to be in compliance with AB 705 no later than fall of 2019.
To support and advance the dialogue regarding AB 705 and the implications of implementation, the Chancellor’s Office and Academic Senate recently published several documents in regards to AB 705 including a Frequently Asked Questions, a summary of the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) methodology, and a helpful MMAP Infographics.
These documents and more information can be found on the California Community Colleges Assessment and Placement website at About AB 705 Implementation.
Chancellor’s Calendar
1 – Meetings of the Facilities/Audit and Finance Committees
1 – YCCD Foundation Board Meeting
2 – District Services Convocation
3 – Meeting with Yolo County Superintendent of Schools regarding Adult Ed Consortium
3 – Meeting with Student Trustees
6 – New Employee Orientation
8 – Colleges’ Convocations
9 – Meeting with Trustee Savarese
9 – Policy Committee Meeting
9 – Meeting of the Governing Board
10 & 11 – Advance travel to National Training Center (to coordinate visit)
12 & 13 – National Training Center Visit
14 – Alliance Committee for CA Center on Teaching Careers
20 – Meeting with Trustee Pasquale
21 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
21 – Meeting with WCC President
27 – North/Far-North Coordinating Council Call
27 – Meeting with Trustee Hastey
28 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
28 – ACCCA-CFLA Monthly Call
28 – Meeting with Academic Senate Presidents
29 – Tentative Finance Committee Meeting
30 – Meeting with YC President