District Office News
Welcome Trustee Andrews! The Board of Trustees has appointed Rita Andrews to fill the vacancy by provisional appointment, at a special meeting of the Board on January 25, 2023. Full notice linked here.
The recruitment process for the new permanent Chancellor continues to remain on schedule. Interested candidates have submitted their application. The Chancellor Screening Committee will begin screening candidates in mid-February. You can view the website entirely dedicated to the search, link here.
Student parking fees are waived for 2022-2023! Memo linked here on how it was made possible.
As a reminder, the 2023 Board meeting calendars are linked here.
Woodland Community College News
We are excited to announce Dr. Santanu Bandyopadhyay as the new Interim President for Woodland Community College, pending final Board approval. Dr. Santanu Bandyopadhyay brings with him a wealth of needed experience. He has been a transformational leader in three community colleges; Cypress, Columbia and Modesto Junior College. His most recent assignment was as the President of Modesto Junior College. Prior to that, he served as President of Columbia College (a rural community college) within the same District from July 2018. Before moving to the Central Valley, Dr. Bandyopadhyay was the Executive Vice President at Cypress College in Southern California from July 2013 to July 2018, where he was responsible for both instructional programs and student services. Please help us in welcoming Dr. Bandyopadhyay!
Dr. Sandra Fowler, Dean of CTE & Workforce Development, has stepped into the Interim Vice President role at Woodland Community College. Dr. Fowler has been with the District for several years and brings historical value to the position amongst other things. Congratulations to Dr. Fowler and thank you for serving in this interim position!
The Performing Arts and Culinary Services Building remains on track for completion in November 2023, despite all the rain and weather the region has been seeing. The team is now reviewing feedback provided by students, faculty, staff, and community members regarding furniture options.
Lake County and Woodland campuses now have new marquees up and running! The marquees will help the colleges communicate with the community on critical issues, information, and events.
Save the date!
WCC Eagles of Excellence, Friday, April 28, 2023, located at Woodland Community College – Community Room 800.
Yuba College News
On January 23 Yuba College was happy to welcome students back to both campuses for the start of the Spring Semester! Many students stopped by the welcome booths to receive swag, gas cards, and bus passes.

Come check out Yuba College sporting events! Full schedules linked here.
- Feb. 1: Men’s Basketball vs. Merritt
- Feb. 1: Women’s Basketball vs. Merritt
- Feb. 4: Baseball vs. Lassen College
- Feb. 10: Women’s Basketball vs. Contra Costa
- Feb. 10: Men’s Basketball vs. Contra Costa
- Feb. 14: Baseball vs. Butte College
- Feb. 16: Softball vs. Lassen College
- Feb. 17: Men’s and Women’s Basketball vs. Napa Valley College
- Feb. 23-24: Track and Field at Chico State Multi
- Feb. 24: Baseball at Monterey Peninsula
- Feb. 25: Baseball at Monterey Peninsula
- Feb. 25- 26: Track and Field at Butte College
YCCD Foundation News
Upcoming Foundation Board Meeting dates are listed below. Agendas are posted in Board Docs.
- February 1
- February 9 – Foundation and YCCD Governing Board Joint Session
- May 3
- August 2
- November 1
Fiscal Update
Update on FCMAT Workgroup Recommendations
Work Continues on the Resource Allocation Model Working Group (Strategic Plan Goal 4A). Since the last update, the RAM working group reviewed models from other districts. At its meeting last week, the working group reviewed the District’s expenditures split by each of the colleges, district services, and district wide. The group also review a “sample model with 2021-22 revenues.” Reviewing our District’s data provided context for the working group to prompt many questions. The next step in the process is to review a side-by-side comparison of how much revenue is generated by each of the colleges versus the colleges and district services and the district expenditures.
Governor’s Proposed Budget for 2023-24
Governor Newsom released his proposed budget for 2023-24 on January 10. The state revenues are lower than originally anticipated in the 2022-23 budget and therefore the state is anticipating a deficit of $22.5 billion in 2023-24 and $29.5 billion deficit in the current year. As a result of enrollment declines systemwide, the state has provided resources for enrollment retention and recruitment efforts to the colleges and established a base beginning in 2025-26. Should the districts not display that they are regaining enrollments lost from the pandemic, the state it is signaling that they may explore options to adjust district budgets.
Despite the deficits in the state budget, there continues to be support for the CCC funding except for a mid-year reduction to deferred maintenance funding which was diverted to address enrollment issues. Below are the adjustments proposed in the budget:
- 8.13% COLA to SCFF – $652.6M increase to ongoing Proposition 98
- 0.50% Enrollment Growth – $28.8M increase to Proposition 98 (for districts growing in enrollments)
- 8.13% COLA for Categorical programs – $92.5M
- $200M increase in one-time Proposition 98 funding to continue to support community college efforts and focused strategies to increase student retention rates and enrollment
- $14M in one-time Proposition 98 funding to support the administration of workforce training grants
- $275,000 increase to $200,000 ongoing funding to develop a community college chief business officer professional learning program run through FCMAT to improve community college district leadership capacity and fiscal accountability
- $213M reduction to one-time funding in deferred maintenance program for 2022-23
The systemwide reduction of $213M equates to approximately $1.43M reduction for our District. The Cabinet will have discussions about this reduction and determine which projects to remove from the planned deferred maintenance program.
ACCCA/ACBO Budget Workshop
Annually, the Association of California Community Colleges (ACCCA) and Association of Chief Business Officials (ACBO) holds a budget workshop to have discussions of the Governor’s Proposed Budget. This workshop attracts systemwide leaders including CEOs, CBOs, and other constituents. This year, the budget workshop was held virtually on January 18. Vice Chancellor Kaur served on a panel along with CCCCO, Department of Finance and LAO to provide the District and CBO perspective on the Governor’s proposed budget.
Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.